Move from Transactionalism to friendship with God, discovering prayer not so much as conscious mental dialogue but as a mutual gaze of love between the soul and God.

This course is based on Strahan's book Beholding and is designed to help you experience a deeper closeness with God. To that end, each class includes a PDF download of practices and reflection exercises to do in your own time during the week. Because prayer isn't a theory to learn but a relationship to inhabit, this course is designed to be done when you have the time to dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to doing the prayer exercises and an additional hour a week for prayer journaling. If you're not there yet, that's totally ok, but we'd recommend waiting until you are so you can get the most out of what's here.


A biblical theology of prayer as a mutual gaze of love with God

To define the difference between transactional and relational prayer

Practices for drawing prayer down from your mind into your heart

The neuroscience of beholding prayer

Practical forms of prayer that build abiding intimacy with God in your daily life

How to build a lifestyle that fosters an unceasing awareness of God

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Strahan Coleman is a writer, teacher, founder of the Centre For Communion and author of Beholding, the foundation of this course. After years as a musician and minister Strahan became passionate about prayer as the very renewing heart of the church. Later through years of chronic illness, Strahan discovered a friendship with God filled with vulnerability, honesty and unceasing prayer, and now spends his time teaching and providing spaces of deep, rich, Spirit-led prayer for others through his books, prayer schools and spiritual retreats.

Strahan is most well known for his work under the moniker Commoners Communion which hosts a podcast, online prayer schools and through which he published his three devotional prayer books - Prayer Vol.01, 02 & 03. He is also a teacher and contributor with Practicing The Way.

  • BEHOLD is a five week course. Each week contains one 20 minute teaching (approximately) and one ten minute guided prayer exercise. Each week, via the individual and group guide, you'll be asked to practice 10-15 minutes of prayer a day and journal 3-4 reflection questions (approximately 30-60 mins per week).

  • You're totally welcome to participate either in a small group or individually. Each class has a PDF download with group questions and a shared prayer practice. Make a tea, watch the teaching together, discuss and pray as you learn to live a life of beholding in community.

  • Once you've purchased the course you will have lifetime access to it including any updates in resources and content.